T.C. Mİllî Eğİtİm BakanlIğI
KONYA / SELÇUKLU - Nene Hatun İmam Hatip Ortaokulu

eSafety Plan





o As we are Nene Hatun Imam Hatip Secondary School,  we are aware of the indispensable importance of information technologies in daily life. We are aware that these technologies, which we cannot take out of our lives, will carry us to much more advanced levels when used safely and consciously. Our aim is to use the internet, smart board, computer, laptop and mobile phones with e-security studies; protecting students, parents and teachers and using these technologies consciously.

o Since the internet and technology are an important part of life, everyone should be made aware of the methods of managing risks and developing strategies.

Our policy is prepared for administrators, teachers, parents, all staff and students, and applies to the use of internet access and information communication devices.



o Contributing to the development of e-security policies.

o Taking responsibility for professional development in the positive learning phase.

o Taking responsibility for e-security to protect the school and its insiders.

Using technology safely and responsibly.

o Observing the danger and conveying it to the relevant units in case of damage.



o  Our website contains address, telephone, fax and e-mail address information of our school.

o All content published on our site is put on the site after approval by our school principal.

o Our school website is under the responsibility of the School Web Management team and security measures have been taken. The administrator account of the school website will be properly protected by encryption with a strong password

Pictures of student works and activities are published with the permission of their parents.     SHARING IMAGES AND VIDEOS: o All shared photos and videos are shared with the permission and approval of the school administration in accordance with the school policy. o Parents' permissions are taken for all student-related posts. o No photographs or videos are taken and used without the permission of the student, as well as the permission of the parents.   USERS: o Before a video to be prepared by the students is prepared, the students involved in this should get permission from their teachers and the administration. o No photographs or videos can be taken within the boundaries of the school and the school garden by persons other than those assigned by the school administration. o If a student wants to take photos and videos of another student, he / she must get permission from the administration and the student. o Parents' permissions are obtained prior to the events in which our students are shared. o Users cannot share images of school students and staff on their personal social media accounts without the approval of the school authorities.     CONTENT: o All content that concerns the school students and staff will be open to sharing only after they pass through the control and approval processes. o The content that our teachers want to share on the school site is published after the approval of the webcast team and the school administration. o The pictures and videos published by the school staff do not contain personal information of the students.   SAFE USE OF THE INTERNET AND  DEVICES: Internet; One of the most important tools to access information is to associate it with the curriculum at the school and to provide accurate information in the safest way possible. We strive to reach our students and teachers. o Our internet access is filtered by the Ministry of National Education according to the age of our students. o We have secured all our information devices belonging to our school in accordance with our usage policy. o All our employees, parents and students were informed about the use of effective and efficient online materials. o E-security and cyberbullying issues are included in the annual plans of certain courses, especially the Information Technologies course, and information is provided to students throughout the year. o Online materials are an important part of teaching and learning and are actively used in the curriculum and increase student participation in the course. o Safe internet day is celebrated in our school. Active participation is ensured throughout the week with seminars, promotional posters and panels.   Safer Internet Center (gim.org.tr) - The official page of Safer Internet Center.http: //guvenlinet.org.tr/tr/ Safe Child (guvenlicocuk.org.tr) - game and entertainment portal for children under 13 years old. Notice Web (ihbarweb.org.tr) - hotline for illegal content. Internet BTK (internet.btk.gov.tr) - Awareness portal on Internet and IT law. Secure Web (guvenliweb.org.tr) - awareness portal for online security issues. SID Page (the gig.org.t) - Safer Internet Day official page in Turkey. Introduced to parents and students, educational videos and presentations of parents and students were watched.   Our school fully implements the security procedures in accordance with 5651 law. In order for the devices to be connected to the internet in our school, a certificate prepared by the Ministry of Education must be uploaded. This allows the online activities of devices connected to the internet to be controlled. E-SECURITY TRAINING: o Online safety (eSafety) policy will be formally provided and discussed for the participation of all employees and strengthened and emphasized as part of our responsibility to protect. o One of our school teachers, Hande ARSLAN, Sadık ÇETİN successfully completed the "Everything About eSafety Label" course and received their certificates. In addition, Sadık ÇETİN "Internet Safety and eTwinning Ethics" course and "100 Tips for Being an eTwinning School" and "Basic eTwinning Information", Muharrem KALAYCI "Mind Maps and Creative Writing Course", Makbule BAYSAL "An eTwinning Project Planning Course", Hande ARSLAN  has successfully completed the "100 Tips for Becoming an eTwinning School" and ''Games In Schools''and ''eTwinning In Every Aspect''courses and earned her certification. o The e-security curriculum for students is added to the annual plans of the relevant courses, especially the information technologies course, and students are informed about these issues. o Internet usage of all users is monitored by our School Information Technologies Teacher. This information has been communicated to all users. Counseling teachers apply peer education to improve online safety in line with the needs of our students. o Online security policy will be officially announced to all our employees. Safe internet day is celebrated in our school. For this day, we have billboard works and social media posts in school corridors and classrooms.   ONLINE EVENTS AND PROTECTION: o All members of our school will be informed about online risks. Trainings will be done and the contents will be explained. o In our school, information activities are carried out on issues such as illegal content, security breach, cyber bullying, sexual messaging, child abuse, and personal information security. o Celebrating the safe internet day, awareness is created in our school. o All complaints about the misuse of the internet, information technologies and equipment in our school will be reported to the school principal by our Information Technologies Teacher. o All members of our school are informed to act in accordance with official school rules in order to eliminate privacy and security concerns.   o The school is responsible for taking necessary actions in case of negativity. Employees (teachers, administrators, staff, etc.), parents and students should act together with the school in solving the problems. o At home and school, parents will be encouraged to collaborate on online safety.



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Yayın: 22.12.2020 - Güncelleme: 10.02.2025 14:50 - Görüntülenme: 198
Kaynak: schooleducation.ec.europa.eu/en/etwinning
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